KLOZURE® Oil seals from Garlock® KLOZURE® are available in a wide variety of configurations to meet the requirements of major industries. MILL-RIGHT® materials are used on all elastomeric seals for superior bearing protection. KLOZURE® Oil Seals are available in more than 50 different styles in sizes from ¼" to over 90", solid or split, metal-cased or all-rubber. KLOZURE® Oil Seals have had a strong brand presence in the U.S. since the 1920’s. Today they are also manufactured and branded in China and Germany. Technology has advanced over the years, and the oil seals are now available in MILL-RIGHT® elastomers which provide longer service life than their predecessors.
Lip seals for pumps, motors, gearboxes and other general industry applications.
For applications with harsh chemicals, or food presence, PTFE shaft seals provide excellent wear properties and dry running characteristics
Special purpose oil seals are recommended for high-speed applications, reciprocating service, spherical bearings, tapered roller bearings and...
Excluder seals are designed to exclude contamination only, meaning they will not retain oil or grease lubrication.