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Matt Tones

Enhanced Surface Profiles for Gaskets

In this Pumps & Systems article, Garlock Sr. Application Engineer, Matt Tones explains the importance of surface profiling. Published April 2019.

Compliance with Relevant FDA Standards Key to Proper Selection of Sealing Gaskets

A small savings from switching to an unproven product that claims to be FDA-compliant could result in product contamination, product loss due to pathogens or other microorganisms, production downtime to decontaminate and sterilize or, worst case scenario, a complete product recall.

How to Troubleshoot a Gasket Leak

An article written by Matt Tones and Dave Burgess on how to troubleshoot a gasket leak from Flow Control's September 2016 issue. 

Gaskets Designed to Take the Heat

Matt Tones and Wayne Evans write an article discussing the importance of choosing the right metallic gasket for your high-temperature application. 

Buckle Vision

An article written by Matt Tones and Chad Yoder on Radial Buckling

Seal Makers Plug Away

An article written by Sean Ottewell, Editor from Chemical Processing Magazine with highlights from Jim Drago, Matt Tones and Earl Rogalski.